The Ladder Paradox

Imagine two men. The first is standing in a garage. The second runs into the garage carrying a ladder.

Special relativity tells us that a moving object undergoes a length contraction relative to its observer. So the man in the garage sees the ladder shorten to fit in the garage.

But the man with the ladder sees the garage shorten relative to himself — so the ladder doesn’t fit.

How is this possible?

Lightning Addition

A (probably apocryphal) story tells that, as a 10-year-old schoolboy, Carl Friedrich Gauss was asked to find the sum of the first 100 integers. The tyrannical schoolmaster, who had intended this task to occupy the boy for some time, was astonished when Gauss presented the correct answer, 5050, almost immediately.

How did Gauss find it?

Click for Answer

Darkness at Noon

Solar eclipse, Aug. 11, 1999, seen from the Mir space station.

An eclipse appears total only while you’re directly in the moon’s shadow. Normally the darkness lasts only a few minutes … but in 1973 a Concorde supersonic jet managed to stay in the shade for 74 minutes.

Proof That All Numbers Are Interesting

Suppose some numbers are uninteresting. Put them in a separate class.

But now that class contains a largest and a smallest number. That’s interesting, so move them back into the class of interesting numbers.

You can repeat this until only one or two uninteresting numbers remain — a fact that makes them interesting. So now that class is empty, and all numbers are interesting.