Ranks and Files

From Ross Honsberger via Martin Gardner: Deal cards into any rectangular array:


Put each row into numerical order:

ranks and files 2

Now put each column into numerical order:

ranks and files 3

Surprisingly, that last step hasn’t disturbed the preceding one — the rows are still in order. Why?

Future Perfect


While browsing around the library one day, I notice an old dusty tome, quite large, entitled ‘Alvin I. Goldman.’ I take it from the shelf and start reading. In great detail, it describes my life as a little boy. It always gibes with my memory and sometimes even revives my memory of forgotten events. I realize that this purports to be a book of my life and I resolve to test it. Turning to the section with today’s date on it, I find the following entry for 2:36 p.m. ‘He discovers me on the shelf. He takes me down and starts reading me …’ I look at the clock and see that it is 3:03. It is quite plausible, I say to myself, that I found the book half an hour ago. I turn now to the entry for 3:03. It reads: ‘He is reading me. He is reading me. He is reading me.’ I continue looking at the book in this place, meanwhile thinking how remarkable the book is. The entry reads: ‘He continues to look at me, meanwhile thinking how remarkable I am.’

I decide to defeat the book by looking at a future entry. I turn to an entry 18 minutes hence. It says: ‘He is reading this sentence.’ Aha, I say to myself, all I need do is refrain from reading that sentence 18 minutes from now. I check the clock. To ensure that I won’t read that sentence, I close the book. My mind wanders; the book has revived a buried memory and I reminisce about it. I decide to reread the book and relive the experience. That’s safe, I tell myself, because it is an earlier part of the book. I read that passage and become lost in reverie and rekindled emotion. Time passes. Suddenly I start. Oh yes, I intended to refute the book. But what was the time of the listed action?, I ask myself. It was 3:19, wasn’t it? But it’s 3:21 now, which means I have already refuted the book. Let me check and make sure. I inspect the book at the entry for 3:17. Hmm, that seems to be the wrong place, for there it says I’m in a reverie. I skip a couple pages and suddenly my eyes alight on the sentence: ‘He is reading this sentence.’ But it’s an entry for 3:21, I notice! So I made a mistake. The action I had intended to refute was to occur at 3:21, not 3:19. I look at the clock, and it is still 3:21. I have not refuted the book after all.

— Alvin I. Goldman, “Actions, Predictions, and Books of Life,” American Philosophical Quarterly, 1968

Goldman’s point is not that determism is true, but that it could be. It’s possible to imagine a determined universe, even one in which your own actions are accurately predicted, that unfolds in a way that makes it appear quite similar to our own. “The fact that this imagined world is determined and contains predictions of acts, and yet resembles the real world very closely, suggests to me that the real world may also be determined,” Goldman writes. Might it?

Even Odds

A bag contains 16 billiard balls, some white and some black. You draw two balls at the same time. It is equally likely that the two will be the same color as different colors. What is the proportion of colors within the bag?

Click for Answer



As the hurricane of August 1915 approached Galveston, Texas, it encountered a buoy in the Gulf of Mexico.

Investigators later found the buoy nearly 10 miles west of its original location.

It weighed 21,000 pounds and had been anchored with a 6,500-pound sinker and 252 feet of chain weighing 3,250 pounds.

Hollis’ Paradox


You are sharing a train compartment with two strangers, A and B. You and A each think of a positive integer and whisper it to B. B stands up and says, “This is my stop. You have each thought of a different number. Neither of you can deduce which number is bigger.” He leaves.

You and A regard one another across the compartment. You think, “He cannot have chosen 1, because then he would know immediately that my number is bigger. And he can apply the same reasoning to my number. So it’s certain that neither of us has chosen 1. But once we’ve established that, then it’s equally clear that neither of us can have chosen 2, for the same reason.”

It would seem that you can extend this line of reasoning to include any number you like — including 157, the number you picked. How can this be?

See The Necktie Paradox and Tug of War.

Creative Solutions

Faced with the simultaneous equations

creative solutions 1


creative solutions 2

a lazy student ignored the second equation and solved the first in this way:

creative solutions 3

creative solutions 4

creative solutions 5

and hence x = 5 and y = 6. As it happens, that’s correct. Maurice Kraitchik writes, “Can you blame him for his answer?”

In Mathematical Circles Revisited, Howard Eves tells of “Hapless Harry,” who tackled

creative solutions 6

by writing

creative solutions 7


creative solutions 8

Math Notes

1/998001 = 0.000001002003004005006007008009010011012013014015016017018019020
3984985986987988989990991992993994995996997999 ...

(Thanks, William.)

The Tempest Prognosticator

tempest prognosticator

Naturalist George Merryweather offered a gruesome new instrument at London’s Great Exhibition in 1851: He imprisoned 12 leeches in a ring of bottles, which he capped with whalebone levers. (The bottles were arranged in a circle so that the leeches “might see one another and not endure the affliction of solitary confinement.”) When a storm approached, the agitated leeches would climb the bottles, trip the levers, and ring a bell. The more agitated this “jury of philosophical councilors,” the more frequently the bell sounded, and the more likely a storm.

After a year of experiments, Merryweather claimed great success — among other feats, the “leech barometer” foretold the disastrous storm of October 1850 51 hours before it took place. “I may here observe,” Merryweather wrote, “that I could cause a little leech, governed by its instinct, to ring Saint Paul’s great bell in London as a signal for an approaching storm.”

He proposed that the government install stations around the British coast, and nominated engineer William Reid to be inspector-general of leeches and meteorologist James Glaisher his second-in-command. Inexplicably, they turned him down. “After this,” opined Chambers’ Journal, “the Snail Telegraph looks not quite so outrageous an absurdity.”

Toes Up


In logic, the contrapositive of “If A, then B” is “If not B, then not A”: “If Socrates is a man, then Socrates is human” carries the same message as “If Socrates is not human, then Socrates is not a man.”

To make this vivid for his geometry students, W.P. Cooke of West Texas State University enlisted Tex Ritter’s song “Rye Whiskey”:

If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck,
I’d swim to the bottom and never come up.
But the ocean ain’t whiskey and I ain’t no duck,
So I’ll play Jack-O-Diamonds and trust to my luck.
For it’s whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey, I cry,
If I don’t get rye whiskey, I surely will die.

In contrapositive form, Cooke said, Ritter would sing:

If I never reach bottom or sometimes come up,
Then the ocean ain’t whiskey or I ain’t a duck.
But my luck can’t be trusted or the cards I’ll not buck,
So the ocean is whiskey or I am a duck.
For it’s whiskey, rye whiskey, rye whiskey, I cry,
If my death is uncertain then I get whiskey (rye).

(American Mathematical Monthly, November 1969)

01/31/2012 Related:

Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress” is constructed as a three-paragraph logical argument:

“Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, were no crime…”
(If A, then B)

“But at my back I always hear
Time’s winged chariot hurrying near…”
(Not A)

“Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew…
Now let us sport us while we may…”
(Therefore Not B)

Unfortunately, he’s trying to argue his way from “If A, then B” to “Not A, therefore not B,” which is invalid. One wonders how his coy mistress responded.

(Thanks, Cleve.)