A for Effort

So many more men seem to say that they may soon try to stay at home so as to see or hear the same one man try to meet the team on the moon as he has at the other ten tests.

This ungainly but grammatical 41-word sentence was constructed by Anton Pavlis of Guelph, Ontario, in 1983. It’s an alphametic: If each letter is replaced with a digit (EOMSYHNART = 0123456789), then you get a valid equation:

   SO     31
 MANY   2764
 MORE   2180
  MEN    206
 SEEM   3002
   TO     91
  SAY	 374
 THAT   9579
 THEY   9504
  MAY    274
 SOON   3116
  TRY    984
   TO     91
 STAY   3974
   AT     79
 HOME   5120
   SO     31
   AS     73
   TO     91
  SEE    300
   OR     18
 HEAR   5078
  THE    950
 SAME   3720
  ONE    160
  MAN    276
  TRY    984
   TO     91
 MEET   2009
  THE    950
 TEAM   9072
   ON     16
  THE    950
 MOON   2116
   AS     73
   HE     50
  HAS    573
   AT     79
  THE    950
OTHER  19508
+ TEN    906

TESTS  90393

Apparently this appeared in the Journal of Recreational Mathematics in 1972; I found the reference in the April 1983 issue of Crux Mathematicorum, which confirmed (by computer) that the solution is unique.